Charles Bolton Dances - Introduction

Charles Bolton ImageCharles Bolton ( - 2016), noted UK caller and dance choreographer, produced 9 books of original English Country Dances as well as 10 books of his interpretations/adaptations of 17th and 18th century English Country Dances, These books contain 196 dances in total. Charles has made these available to everyone for free (under the Creative Commons license) on the Country Dance and Song Society website.

On this website you can download the dances: on a book-by-book basis; as a single download of all the original dances; as a single download of all the interpretations; as well as each dance individually. A major benefit of using this site is that each of Charles Bolton's dances has been tagged with information about its formation, progression, and other features such as whether it is a mixer, naturally gender-free, etc.

You do not need to be logged in as a registered user to download individual dances. These can be accessed through the menu system.

You do need to be a registered user of this site to be able to download complete books or complete collections of dances. Click You can log in or register (free) here or from the LOGIN link in the top menu. Links to the download pages will appear in the DANCE INSTRUCTIONS | DOWNLOAD BOOKS | CHARLES BOLTON menu once you are logged in.




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